A week or two ago we trimmed our apple trees and while adjusting the ladder I let it slip and it landed on my chest. It didn't crush me, but it hurt. I've been sore on my collarbone and shoulder since. I decided that a massage might be just the thing to heal my wounds. Being the massage virgin that I am (was), I had very high expectations and anticipated a relaxing and fantastic 30 minutes. About 5 minutes in I realized I'd made a mistake. She pushed so hard on my skin that it hurt, she did the whole karate chopping hands multiple times followed by pokes of pain (my name - not the massage industries).
I actually didn't feel too terrible immediately after the beating, but about 4 hours later I put a strap over my shoulder and thought I was going to cry. It felt like I'd been sunburned all across the top of my back. And not just a simple burn, a terrible, terrible burn. That was yesterday and today I am still in pain. Still feeling burned... both literally and burned in the sense that I burned my flamin' money on something that hurt me... what the hell is the point of that - is this the same for everyone? Come on - are people paying to be beat up to Enya?
Ok - vented.
Now because I'm queen of the geeks I also created a map of garage sales happening in Quesnel this weekend. Click on this link if you want to join my lame club. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&ll=52.977434,-122.474556&spn=0.0953,0.32135&z=12&msid=107827218300676941518.00044cb02a5fe62a8f365
I usually feel like I could use a massage right after my hour-long massage treatments. They hurt. I make weird cat noises. (yeah...) I've sworn on the rare occasion. However, my therapist (also an instructor at the college for massage therapists) will adjust how she massages depending on the patients wants and needs. In 9 years of therapy, I think she's done the poundy-thing once...as a joke. If you think this therapist didn't do anything helpful for you, find another. I've had a couple others treat me when Najat wasn't available, and everyone has very different styles.
I'm a little bit scared to see another... my shoulder is still sore - more at the joint than anything now... of course now I have the sun burn pain still all over my back.... LORD!
I'm glad that I'm not the only one who has suffered... but I'm also not glad because what are we putting ourselves through...
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