Monday, June 23, 2008

A little bit of camping

On Friday we took our tent trailer out for its first test drive... I found out that I can't back up the way I thought I could with a tent trailer, but did drive it a fair bit and learned a lot about pulling a trailer... hooray for learning something new. We arrived in the evening and were welcomed by a swarm of mosquitoes - it was brutal - it made me want to cry and I'm not a crier.

We set up camp, ate a few bugs and made dinner.

Can I please have some bugs with my soup? No problem!

It was the longest day of the year so the boys stayed up late and then Andy and I stayed up even later and watched pelicans land and take off in front of our campsite. It was amazing to watch and listen to. When they landed (about 50) it sounded like thunder clapping. We then went into our tent trailer and slept with the swarm - I couldn't sleep - I was freezing - listen to me complain - I was the one that really wanted to go - lord it was COLD - C-O-L-D cold! At 1:40am I asked for another blanket... we got up early around 6am and hung out with the bugs... we'd decided we'd be going home early as the bugs were a little bit too much - we did managed to get through breakfast and lunch and then went home in the early afternoon.

A photo by Michael - he is pretty camera happy; I don't know where he gets that from...

Looking at worms on the log. A nice guy from Mill Bay was camping across from us and gave us his worms for fishing - we managed to catch one - hooray!

Kyle - letting his feet dry - he'd tromped in the water most of the morning and had complete prune feet. They had a great time being explorers and running around the campsite.

Hey Kyle, do you think we should tell mom and dad that we are staying?

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