Friday, September 19, 2008

what happened this week

Well I actually got some scrapbook pages completed. I'm up to 5 pages for the week - which is incredible.

What else? Well on Thursday I got to go on a mine tour. It was pretty amazing! A few photos are below. The only downside was the final building tour - the smells in the building made me feel like I'd been punched in the lung - it was terrible - I actually was struggling to breathe and then it started to get better or my body made the adjustment, but every once in a while I got all choked up - so not great - but I'm pretty sensitive. The rest of the tour was pretty cool though.

Here is my tour group in front of a giant truck - the trucks cost $4,000,000 each - tire replacement runs for $50K each... see you can learn something new every day

Here is one of their active pits - to put it into perspective - each step on the face of the mine is 45 ft tall... it was crazy!

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