Friday, March 06, 2009

another flight

Last night I flew to Vancouver for another work thing. Before we left I got to have a great dinner out with Andy (well really the food was not great but the company was) and tried to ease my anxious body onto the plane. For some reason I was able to visualize better because it was night time and I could just think about it being a bus... well actually more like a mini van...

As you can see - this was a little plane - 18 seats total - only six of us actually paying - yup - that is the cockpit you can see. I'm sitting in the second to last seat... no washroom, no in flight anything - just loud propellor blades rumbling us to Vancouver. I got to Whistler and you could see Vancouver in the distance and then the plane got bumpy - it was pretty much like being on a tilt-a-wheel as we descended into Vancouver and that didn't really bother me. I had my tunes, BNL with Steven Page (I still love you), and I just took it easy. I had a nice ride from the airport to my hotel with this cabbie who made good conversation - well until he started to give me an update on all the shootings - it was like he had memorized the details of every shooting that had taken place in the last week... he giggled a bit and asked if Quesnel (Ksnel) had those kinds of problems... nope.

Now I'm preparing for some free time this morning which may include a walk to Pacific Centre and then into conference sessions. More photos to come... I'm heading out for a night on the town with Paula in t-minus 10 hours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a crazy rough flight from seattle to reno last week in a little plane. I am usually ok with flying but not so much since I had stella.

how is your tmj? I am at a chiropractic centre now for fibromyalgia and it is awe.some.
hope things are well