Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Tonight I'm at a conference in Williams Puddle :) So no food cooking for me tonight.. which I gotta say I'm missing tonight. Dinner was ok, but man - the portions were disgustingly large - two pork chops, probably a cup and a half of mashed potatoes, beans, carrots, applesauce, cheesecake, salad - most people could barely eat half... CRAZY! The food was good - but not as a good as some of the stuff we've been cooking at home... and sadly I won't get to cook tomorrow night because I'm at another meeting...

My cold is still plaguing me - I'm just not shaking it. With any luck tomorrow will be a better day... I'm feeling better -but just not one hundred percent. Now I'm going to just lounge... conference doesn't start until 9am tomorrow... which by conference standards is actually kind of late.

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