Friday, October 09, 2009


Well tomorrow is Kyle's big birthday party... he asked me to make a Pokemon cake... I took some creative license and managed to get a fish-looking creature done tonight... I'll share photos tomorrow. Of course we are still in the middle of our renovation, but with any luck we'll be back in order for Monday night... one coat of paint has been applied... at least one more to go, then the fire place gets a coat (2-3) and then the floor can go back in ... the change is dramatic! Photos of that to come - just as soon as we get to the finish line and I can show you before and after...

What else - well I'm done with winter and it hasn't even really shown up yet. My hands started cracking about a week ago and now it is COLD! Not as cold as Calgary - but it is cold... -10 over night and just getting above freezing during the days... hopefully it will be nice during the day tomorrow so after birthday lunch we can go and play outside... I think I'm going to run out first thing in the morning and buy little mitts/gloves for each of the kids... I also have to go out and get my fresh thanksgiving turkey - yeah! Photos of that to come too.... night my lovelies and happy turkey weekend!

Ok - wait - one more thing... on the crazy and mental front my mom got bit by a bug at the hospital - she thought it was deer fly or something like that - but it caused her to have an allergic reaction - she was in my office tonight and I could tell something was wrong - I guess if I hadn't asked she wouldn't have told me - she had hives over her entire body and now has to take benadryl every day twice a day for a few weeks while whatever the bug put in her leaves... madness... she actually swelled up and couldn't hardly talk and still drove herself home rather than turning around and going to the hospital... PEOPLE LISTEN - if you are having an allergic reaction get your ass to the hospital - DO IT! Don't think that you'll be ok - you COULD DIE! I guess she'll recover - it was creepy today because she kind of looks like she had a stroke - as her right eye was all messed up - she's all - oh it looked much worse... great... freakin' great!

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