Sunday, May 16, 2010

today in photos...

I'm burnt... just so you know - I'm sure that was something you were wondering about... I totally burnt my chest today - like a fool - I've never burned my cleavage before but it is burnt... burnt and I'm stupid... I know - what was my cleavage doing out in the sun... well the sun was shining down and it got the girls... and the girls are crying like an old woman tonight.

A beautiful plant that I found on my walk today and the building in the background is also a tea house... lovely.

This is me being a big girl in a big city. My hotel gave me crappy directions and sent me through a dingy terrible part of Edmonton - I actually took a different way home tonight because I was worried about it. Dark hall ways, long hall ways, corners, hidden spots - not good... but I made it - and then took the train to the uni...

So this sign is for those people that might try to use another body part to make the walk signal go... I actually didn't touch the button after this because I started thinking - if they have to put signs up like this - odds are - someone is using something other than there finger to push the button...

1 comment:

Bastelopoly said...

...or they use the button for something else....iehk!