Tuesday, August 30, 2011

more photos...

As we packed our cute little Kyle for his giant adventure to Haidi Gwaii today (pants, gonch, socks, Harry Potter) we got out one of our small cameras.  I hadn't downloaded it in ages (ages = 18 months) and found some fun shots.  Here is a sampling for your viewing pleasure:

Ok, this first photo is for Paula.  I know how much she totally loves this shirt!
And yes, he has finally grown out it. (taken by Michael)

So here is Michael - apparently they were partying it up in these shots - there are a couple of Kyle too where it looked like they were daring each other to make the best party face (taken by Kyle)

Michael pushing Kyle around... (taken by my mom, grandma)

Ahhhhh - so cute 
(taken by Kyle)

Good old me, posing on the river front trail - this is one of the oldest shots on the camera - comes from last spring... it surprises me to say today that I'm actually 'fitter' now then I was then but at the time - totally thought I was in great shape... see we learn things about ourselves every day :)

And since I showed you my hooters I figured I'd better show you this too!  

Ok - love you guys - thanks for reading all the posts!
Off to work out - got a goal dress I'm headed for and since I can wear my goal hoodie - I finally see that I'm making progress :)

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