Monday, January 22, 2007

customer service

I bravely took Michael grocery shopping alone tonight. Kyle is pretty sick with this round of cold/flu. So Andy stayed home and watched Muppet Treasure Island with Kyle. I knew I was in for trouble when I couldn't find a cart with a seatbelt. So after shuffling four carts (deposit quarter - move to next line - deposit quarter, etc) I find one and start to shop. No sooner have I started to get some mushrooms then Michael is standing up and trying to help. He definitely likes to help and not listen. This routine of telling Michael to sit down and, please don't do that went on for 15 minutes. I finished the shop and headed to the tills. No one... no one at the light... I look and the express girl sees me and kind of nods and then says oh its open - so I start unloading - carefully because Michael is ready to bolt at any given moment. I put everything on the belt and she shows up and rings it through. She bags it as she goes and I'm struggling with Michael - desperate to keep him in the cart and not standing because I don't want him to fall. She puts everything onto the counter and then after getting my $40, leaves. She doesn't even offer to put my groceries in the cart, she doesn't say goodnight, or have a nice night - NOTHING! I'm I expecting too much... a drop of kindness to a mom who is struggling. So I do the balancing act of trying to support Michael while loading the groceries. Now sitting here I know I could have just picked him up and loaded and then reloaded him to walk out... but my brain got all mad after this scene. What makes me even madder about it is that it came from my favorite grocery store - SAVE ON! I can't even say that I will shop somewhere else because I won't... so rather than calling the manager I'm writing here for you to read - my faithful few.

I'm feeling less stressed about this situation now... and now I've been thinking about the grocery store it dawns on me that I would like to share my idea with you. I've been thinking about creating a cart cushion for kids. One piece in the front that could be used for the back as well. The piece would cover over the metal to protect kids from hitting their heads and from licking up whatever the last kid left behind. The cushion will have a cover that will be washable. I'm thinking of making some for farmers market and, well wherever else. The insert piece would only be replaced as it wore the cover could be replaced based on need or style. I'm thinking about pricing them for $5 each. I'm still narrowing down my insert supply and the price might go up as a result. Moms and Dads with babies, aunties and uncles with kid nephews and nieces would you buy something like this. Does $5 sound too high? Worse question - have you seen this somewhere... does this already exist... I'm thinking someone else must have thought of this - but I'm planning on giving it a shot anyway... no harm in crafting some and selling them at a fair or farmers market... that said I've never seen one - nothing even like it... I thought if I could cut a deal with IKEA or another family orientated company I might actually pay off my house and start to really save some money for my travelling years. Thoughts, expressions of interest... I'd love to hear... thanks... - oh and this idea is officially copyrighted... and now has intellectual property rights (I was actually given a letter from a lawyer once on these grounds - someone told me they owned a name I had used for an event - really it was completely bogus but I had to change the name and all our advertising as a result because he has claimed them as his intellectual property.


the author said...

Well I figured I couldn't have been an inventor... I might still pursue it though. I was thinking of getting space at our market this summer and selling these cart cushions and crepes. I'm trying to figure out how I can have the boys with me to do this as Andy will be away at school. Maybe I'll be able to work something out.

Thanks for the info on the pre-existing cart cushions. I'm surprised at the prices for them. Maybe that will be my ticket into the market :)

The Jaded Bee said...

I actually bought one when Quentin was an infant, and loved it. Don't think I've used it once for Jade though, although I kept meaning to. I'd recommend them, even if only for the fact that they allow you to put things like cheerios and other food/their drinks with them without worrying about them falling through the wires.

Tell me about your flood. Ours sucks. I would hate for it to have been something structural as not having downstairs is bad enough with the walls cut up and the floors gone...but real problems? No thank you. Not that the heating system didn't just need to get serviced and we're waiting for a roofing friend to fix our leaky roof and...the point is, how bad is your leak? Is it covered? How long until it's fixed?

Be well,