Monday, July 20, 2009


This was taken at 7am from the Seton Rest Area in Lillooet. If you look closely you'll see the moon above the mountain top.

I'm working at fighting off the cold I have right now - I'm also trying to get my distance up for the emperor's challenge. I definitely need some great socks and bandaids. I have a pretty bad blister on one of my toes and I'm just hoping it will heal up - I guess I should be taking better care of it - plus my left heel is really cracked - I mean more than a .5 cm wide and at least that deep... all from shoes - any time I wear backless shoes my heel cracks... why... why... why does fashion have to bare such a heavy price ;)

Oh and I got another piece of funny mail. I asked that some coupons be sent to the attention of the "Queen of the Universe". Since they sent it to the house it must be true! Damn straight!

Has anyone else been selected for a Stat Canada Labour Market survey before? They make it out like it is such an honour... they track a household for six months and you have to do it otherwise they hound you like bill collectors... apparently it is part of being a proud Canadian. I think I missed the fine print on that one.

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