Wednesday, May 16, 2007


My sister is doing the walk for MS and they are trying to fundraise... (why is MS so close to the cancer walk for life - POOR PLANNING) If you have a little or a lot she would appreciate you donating to the research at her team site

Still in Kelowna and this afternoon it actually felt like I was on vacation. Andy bought a great deck swing for $10 at a garage sale down here and me and the boys curled up in it. There was a light breeze and it was beautiful out... it was awesome. We went to the beach tonight and that was great. I did have some work stuff today but this afternoon helped me unwind... everyone now... deep sigh - AAAAHHHHHHH!

We went to farmers market and grocery shopping this morning. On the way there I get this.... 'mom, mom... there's a bird, do you see it, do you see it, do you see it,' yes kyle i see it...(still looking... where is that darn bird... - oh there...) yes, kyle i see it - 'mom do you see it, do you see it - mom it's a nose picker' I start laughing, I mean really laughing and then I catch my breathe enough to say, um do you mean wood pecker... he laughs - 'oh yeah, that's what i meant' I'm still laughing about it - and now i have something to bug him about - tonight i asked him if he saw the nose picker bird and he just goes 'oh mom' - i love him :)

Alright - back to the vacation - hooray!


the author said...

so yes I'm going to donate to your team mel - i'm on holidays though and don't have my online visa with me... so i will do it when i get back to the Q... love ya - hope that is ok for timing :)

M said...

Before June 3rd is fine, thank you :)