Thursday, May 18, 2006


Our house is basically back to normal. My body is still crying for sleep. I could sleep at the drop of a hat. My husband says that I will be having a normal conversation one minute and then asleep the next. Some of this is also because I haven't recovered from all the lost sleep with Michael. He is not sleeping through the night. He makes an honest effort. He will sleep from 10pm (sometimes as early as 8:30) until 4-6am. The problem is that I don't tend to get into bed until 11 or sometimes 1am and then I'm bagged when the cries start for food.

Oh well right... suck it up... I know, and I will.

No luck with the photos yet. I do have all my files back but I didn't accomplish any file retrival yet. Plans for tomorrow.

I have meetings lined up all morning tomorrow so hopefully by the afternoon I will have retrieved files and posted something new.

Happy thoughts: Lilac season is upon us and I love it. My bedroom window is open and you can smell the bush from across the lane. FABULOUS!

ER - not sure if you guys watch this or not but I'm addicted. I didn't watch for the longest time but I'm back at it now. Tonight's season finale was pretty good. Last week I was crying through damn near the whole show.

Alright I need to write a paper for tomorrow morning and then I'm hitting the hay. Bon soir.

1 comment:

The Jaded Bee said...

I missed out on seeing you yet again. *sniff*

Next time?

Hope your trip has been/continues to be/was fabulous.

Take care.