Sunday, August 05, 2007

voodoo whodoo

So it all came and slapped me in the face yesterday. She calls and says I have clients coming today and need the room. So like the obedient and best daughter on the planet that I am and get my loving husband and brother and we move over 600 lbs of equipment, clean the room, clean the bathroom, (vaccuum, washing, dusting) mildly decorate the room - all in a few quick hours - less than three. At 4:30 they show up and do a massage session on my front lawn. AAAAHHHHHHH!

Alright - you say - April that isn't enough... isn't enough... it gets better or worse depending on who you are related to in this story... story implies that I'm making this up... this is a true story.

2 hours later she comes in and says she needs to use the computer. Fine - 5 minutes later the clients come in with her - they spend the next 10+ minutes downstairs on the computer. We are eating dinner - we are mad. This is way over what we agreed to.

Afterwards I try to be polite - try - how did it go? No patient confidentiality here... I will spare you the gory details but I've been left thinking about it since... then I start to get to it on my issues because I wasn't going to let this get to me - and she needs to know that I'm concerned about this situation. I explain that we shuffled house for her, that we were disappointed about her not using the room (it becomes obvious at this point that she told me they wanted to be outside, but that she actually wanted to be outside... ARG - hair ignition in 5, 4, 3, 2, ...1 ), disappointed about her bringing people through our house. I finally ask if she was paid. Now... please hold onto your seats - and if you aren't sitting - sit down - 'april - this isn't about the money, this is about healing people - I shouldn't be charging people to get rid of their headache or whatever it might be' - so you didn't get paid - well they gave me this great rock - i shit you not - she showed me the rock they paid with... later this same day I tried this at save-on-foods and they told me that a rock will not pay for my milk and told me to get out of the store... who knew! I asked how this was going to pay the bills, wasn't that part of doing this... and she said - hold on again - that it would all be taken care of - she'd seen it. FABULOUS! Where is my crystal ball?

Alright - so I understand the issue of not wanting people to charge for services - I think my hairstylist should also take the barter system - that would work much better for me - I'm sure that I could round up some rocks... ok I will stop with the rock jokes... what am I getting to.. well I'm sure doctors, and other people who provide a service that people need and, in some cases, are quite desperate for, but you don't see any of them giving away services for free. Is this more that these people won't pay? I don't know what to think. I suggested that a business plan (I know.. ms science over here) should be written and then a budget would help her understand how things should go, but I think she was thinking about something else... I love the people that say - april - its all in my head - i know it will work... I've heard this before from other people starting a business... but I gotta say - free doesn't equate to good - its nice to get perks when I buy things but if something is being given away you start wondering about why... why is this free? maybe it isn't good for me.

Free will not pay for insurance (that she needs), bills, training, rent... (selfish April - you are sooo bad)... free will not make a savings program to pay for her home care.... 'april... don't worry - it's all taken care of - i've seen it.'

This rant was brought to you by the letter R and the number 1.

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