Monday, July 17, 2006


First of all, sorry for being a lazy blogger. I've been reading and writing at other blogs, but not really doing much to mine. Well I'm back - full of a rant.

It was Billy Barker Days this weekend in the goldpan city and, rain aside, things seemed to go well. It looked like there were lots of people in town and things were busy. We went to the parade; we go every year. We are sitting there and a display goes by of a skidster... hmm - that's the wrong word. Anyways, it is a car that is equipped with four additional wheels to help you learn how to drive in snowy conditions (skid control). It does a big spin near us and as this is going on a group of east indian woman come to the curb. The people behind us tell them to wait and I guess one of them made a face. The car spins by again and with that the woman start to walk across the street. Now this could have easily been a case of the woman not understanding english. The people behind us then proceed to get all fired up about. What are you going for? I guess that's what you get for trying to help people out. (So granted, I didn't see any of their faces in all of this, but I'm pretty sure that no one gave the bird, or anything like that.) And the one girl, more loudly says, maybe you should just go back to you own country then. I was shocked into silence. Ok, so start thinking about - should I have said anything?

Now after this little production at the parade - that really left me thinking. How can people continue to be so unkind and thoughtless towards others? Not just about race but about understanding others... I won't deny that I've had some pretty awkward introductions to people I've only talked to on the phone, as they assume that I would be chinese... of course I only married into a last name. So I'm in an interracial relationship - yes we've had looks and I think both our families are quite reasonable about race and race issues.

Ok - so I've been through the parade, I've had time to think and then this happens:
Setting: my kitchen
Opening scene: we had just come home from bb days activities, and we are chatting
Characters: husband, me, mom (mother in law)
We are chatting and mom asks, where was czechoslovakia? I bumbled, thinking maybe it was part of russia at some point. So I agree that maybe it was a part of the soviet union at one time (no it wasn't). And then I hear this, - I figured it was part of russia, there is a woman in the office, she is very sneaky... again I am shocked and surprised at her comments... So again I ask... what could/should have been said?

My grandparents were racists and one of my cousins. My grandma hates japan, as she fought in world war 2 and at 81 continues her dislike for them. My grandparents were more focused on insulting native people and my cousin for whatever reason decided at four years old that she couldn't watch the NBA because of black people - to which I told her, I like them and I was watching and she could go do whatever she wanted. I think my parents tried to show us the good in everyone. I hope to pass that along to my kids.

Alright I have work to do - Blueberry competition coming... watch for new post soon!

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