Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Big Willie

Movie review.

First let me say that I love Will Smith. When I saw the previews for "i am legend" i could hardly wait for it to come to DVD for us to watch. All I heard was how fantastic it was, some of his (Big Willies) best film, oscar worthy. Now I don't know if any of you have seen it, but I just spent the last 90 minutes of my life watching and I don't get it. What the hell kind of film was that? MAN! 90 minutes long and they could have trimmed it to inside an hour and maybe I wouldn't be feeling like I just wasted my time. I don't watch a lot of movies any more and I really pick the ones I do watch and now I've wasted 90 minutes that could have been spent doing nothing on facebook. Did I miss something? Was that really a great film and I'm not getting it... tell me - what did I miss - have you even seen it? I guess I'm just not into monsters, long periods of silence in film, gore, blood, violence and an attempt at blending in God...

Ok - now I feel good and vented.

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