Thursday, November 04, 2010

mr linden

Alright - so this is the third time I've seen him this year..  today I went into our coffee shop - Granvilles and I'm standing next to this tall guy and I'm not paying attention and then I go sit down to get my drink and this guy next to me says - pretty cool to stand in line with Trevor Linden... then I run out of the shop and get to my office and get the girls and we run back out on the street so we can walk by him and say hello - man, he is good looking... so then he just walked around downtown Quesnel this morning - so one of the other girls in the office ran after him and shook his hand and welcomed him to Quesnel - fun...

I didn't get a picture of him - I remembered about 10 minutes after the fact that my cell phone takes photos.. but he was here today to present to our students at our annual event - Career Leap - so he is guest speaking right now... woohoo :)

1 comment:

Carmen said...

So jealous. So very jealous. I can't even put into words how jealous I am. So instead I'm going to go eat ice cream.