Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I'm sure that locusts will be next...

So if things weren't bad enough it looks like Michael might have chickenpox. Last night I had an AGM and left the kids with my mom... it was my only choice as Michael has been sick and I couldn't turn him loose on another parent with kids. I got home to him crying his eyes out. Nothing appears to be too terrible though. She goes to play on the computer and that was it.

This morning she says she wants to go feed grandma. I say go for it, you can take my car. Just be back before 9am because Kyle needs to get to preschool. I got the kids ready at 8:40 and we went outside. At 9am I came inside and at 9:10 I called my cell, as I'd given it to her as a clock and reminder to be on time. 9:15 she rolls in.. 'sorry about that'. I told her I would drive her home... did I mention it was snowing... first day of snow here.... Anyway it is 9:30 before we leave town and I don't get to her house until 10:50. The entire way there I had to listen to the healer speech... I wanted to put my head through the windshield. It was a nightmare. I'm trying to be supportive, but it is becoming weirder by the day. She actually tried to tell a radiologist that she is telepathic and that radiology and telepathy are similar. I can just see the radiologist going... um sure... whatever... the crazy ward is upstairs...

I drop her off and zoom back to the daycare. Kyle finishes at noon. I made it there for 12:05... and 10 minutes of that was crossing the bridge into downtown. So I'm frustrated by all that and then we get home and change Michael. He has a rash all over his back, and stomach/chest. I called public health and they figure it is chickenpox. I called the rn hotline and they thought it might be more like an allergy. I just have to watch and wait now. If it blisters, it's chickenpox... if it doesn't do anything it is a rash or allergy and we can go see a doctor. Why the story about my mom and her sitting last night... well I can't be sure about what she fed the boys and maybe he had an allergic reaction to something she gave him... she didn't mention anything... although - everyone will recall her not mentioning that she pinched his chin... which is still visible on him.

I'm getting my stitches out on Friday - hooray. My finger is working pretty well. I'm not waking up with the claw. It is only bothering me when I try to use the tips of my fingers. This is supposed to be six weeks recovery... so I've got a ways to go before it is 100%. All that said I'm happy I went to PG for Emergency now... I can't imagine having gone through the weekend the way it was.

1 comment:

M said...

hello, someone decided to take my blog away and so I hade to make a new one, you can look at it at :
if you could let aunty J know also That would be great. Have a great night