Thursday, February 01, 2007

what a day can do

today i had a job offer - well a - april you should take my job because i'm leaving and me and the owner have already talked and he wants your resume right away - oh and by the way my job starting wage is more than you make now and the cap out point is more than you will ever make in the job you are in now - oh and you wouldn't have to do a million things - you just have to manage this one thing - with some sub things - but way less than what you do now... and likely for more enjoyment - what do think...

then I get - april you know you should start turning businesses - we all need help and no one else is doing it - charge us a small percentage on a sale and make money that way - so no less than three people told me to get a new job today... i guess if i was looking for a sign - i got one...

now what....????? well i don't really know what to think now - yesterday i would have just left everything - but i know that staying home will not pay for my house and everything else we need... - ok - ER is on - lord are they gonna kill luka tonight - holy - what the heck I haven't watched it since christmas and now they are killing luka - MY FAVORITE HOT MAN ON TV.... WHAT! Ok - off to watch

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