Monday, May 28, 2007

speed mowing

I decided that I was going to mow my lawn during my lunch break. It definitely needed to be done and with the kids, I have zero time to mow it in the evenings and weekends. So I get home, run back out to get gas for the mower and then fill it up. I run it to the front yard and... nothing - the damned thing won't start. I check everything. I'm mad - I'm spending my lunch wasting my time now - ARG! So I take it to the back yard and at 12:22 I call my parents - they used it last. I'm all 'so I was hoping someone could call me back and tell me how they got the mower to work - cause I can't seem to get it to start, although by the time you get this message I will be back at work and unable to mow my lawn' ARG and then as I hang up my phone I see what I was looking for... the pump start... "push here three times to get started" - and brrrrrmmm it was off and running. Now crunched for time I speed mow - I was mowing like no one should under the hot beautiful sun... and at 12:36 I was back in my car and driving back to work - I mowed the front and back lawn (not that they are that big) in, what I'm calling, a record of 14 minutes - this includes transporting the mower from the back to the front and then back in the shed. I still had time to get changed and come back to work. AMAZING! So now I shared :-) PHEW! Now I just need to work....

Oh and still looking for tips for getting Michael to sleep through the night... HELP!

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