Thursday, November 06, 2008


It is snowing right now.... outside my window... I have no harsh words or anger towards the weather - it felt late anyway... I should have my winter tires on by now...

I'm home for the rest of the day with Michael - he is sick with some kind of cold - blah... so it means a movie day with work - since there is no escaping the office during the week.

Idea assistance - I'm in a tree decorating competition in two weeks - I competed last year and we did well - but this year I want to knock socks off - I'm planning on stringing holiday chocolates on the tree. My initial plan was to somehow attach ferriro roches together in a long rope and then string the tree but I'm looking for other ways to cover the tree... I want it to be in a way that allows people to easily take a chocolate from the tree... what do you think? The tree will be red and white - the chocolates need to be one color - so there aren't a tonne of different brands I can use - but there is more than the ferriro's.

Ok - back to work and the coughing babe.

1 comment:

The Jaded Bee said...

If you use something like Lindor or Werthers, you just need to pass a thread through the wrapper (careful not to tear) and then the candy goodness is easy to take, while leaving the tree intact.