Wednesday, March 28, 2007

more offers

Another offer for another job.... what to do what to do - this one is better... better money - less to do... less invested time and energy.... also offered another contract work - less money - more to do... funny how contracts are like that

we will see

What else did I want to say - not sure - just wanted to post tonight and say hello! :) I have renewed interest in my scrapbooking - aunti jenni delivered my christmas presents today and gave me some cool ikea jars for knick knacks and assorted thing-uma-doodles - I've been reorganizing the whole scrapbook department as the past system was not working - ARG! She also got the boys some cute clothes. The boys were quite happy to spend some time with Jenni and Derrel - never long enough :)

Andy leaves in two short days and that is not putting me in a good mood. I can't believe he is going to be gone for six months - boooooo! But cheer up right ;)

my desk guardian

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