Sunday, March 04, 2007

spunky cats

Alright - I will warn you now that this post is a little repulsive and deals with animal sex...

A few posts ago I noted that we were having cat pee issues and bought a carpet cleaner to solve the problem and be prepared for future incidents. It was a good investment, my living room carpets are proof of that.

Last night at 3am I was sleeping. I kept hearing a cat and I thought it was mine because they were sitting in the room. I told them to buzz off, but then the crying got louder. I tried with all my strength to just lay in bed and ignore it, but I finally caved and went to see what the heck was going on.

Well a lot was going. It was get busy time outside my window. Two cats were screaming their love for the world to here and they chose my window to be the spot where they would make the most of their noise.

My windows are still plastic-ed in to keep out the cold, but Michael's window wasn't. So I went in his room and started making hissing noises - LOUDLY! very very loudly! My hiss wasn't loud enough as they continued on their merry humping way. So I pulled out a big hiss and that apparently freed their hips and they pranced off, fully puffed and continuing to share the sounds of their love with the neighbourhood. It was at this second that I could smell their love and realized that these damned cats love session was the smell that we'd thought was cat pee in our bedroom. FREAKIN' FABULOUS!

So here is what I'm looking for now - how do we keep cats away from our house - short of killing them. Any suggestions? I'm open to all ideas.

I hope everyone has a great afternoon. I'm off to make some chili.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Something you once did, if I remember correctly, and don't know if you still do, so I thought I'd ask.

There was the "pay it forward" craze a few years back. People would do nice deeds in the hopes of making the world a better place, etc. I'm not a "big gesture" person, but figured I was doing my part by doing the little things constantly. You know, letting people go first, holding a door, that sort of thing. (The rare times I don't, I feel sooooo guilty for not.)

So, I hold the door going into Starbucks one morning a little while ago for a woman coming from the bank. She's in line before me, but I'm not in a rush. She buys my beverage for me, and then says that it was her day to do something nice for someone, and because I was nice and held the door open for her, it was me. Now all I had to do was do something nice for someone else.

Am I confused about this methodology because it didn't make sense, or am I just a confuzzled person?

Just thought you might be the one to ask. It's been bugging me for months now. :)