Thursday, April 26, 2007


Cute Michael playing on the slide on our deck.

I know his nose is running, but I really like this pic. We managed to have some photo time together while Kyle went on a play date and dinner with Aunti Leighann.

So I've joined facebook and I thought I would provide some of my old quesnelly friends with community updates... this is granvilles.. yes it is still open... and...

We love it so much that now there are two. This one is near Correlieu. Yes, still the land of crazy.

Here is cover on the side of my house that goes no where and is purely decorative - thank you previous owners! Way to go on kicking so much ass!

This is a tulip in my garden. It is the only tulip and this is all it does. It grows one pathetic leaf and will likely be trampled by some stray poop spreading neighbourhood dog (THANK YOU NEIGHBORS... I'm going to start leaving diapers on my neighbours yards and see what they think of that.) or be smushed by one of the kids... both kids have nearly stepped on it.

This is the boot that kicked my face.

This is the face that took the boot, that tried to laugh, because of the boot in the face.

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