Saturday, July 21, 2007


Back in Kelowna for Andy's graduation. The celebration begins at 1pm and as things happened I will have to bring the kids with me... which means that I'll be short changed on the festivities afterwards, but I'll live... I think I'll take the kids to the beach or something; if the weather holds. Weather was pretty blah today... warm - but blah and I did get to go to Farmers Market - so hooray for that. Kelowna has a great farmers' market - I've made a point of going to every single one that I can get to and I would say it is the best one in BC. (Ok - I haven't been to any in the Peace or the Kootenays... so maybe there is a better one - tell me - is there a better one?)

Please begin searching for veg and fruit records - I had a huge blueberry and as I was eating it I cringed and thought about how I could have measured that one and seen how it compared to last years big ones. It would have been close... of course we aren't just looking for blueberries - biggest and best fruit and veg - all categories open... I might even make a pic you can load on your blog to say that you found the biggest one... whatever you found :)

Well it's nearly 11pm and I'm actually going to go to bed - earliest in weeks. Oh - and the rooms in the house are painted - my room has been reloaded - new bed and everything :) So we get to go home to a painted house - now I'll just have to clean - Andy is coming home with me for a couple of days - so I will definitely be putting him to work :)

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