Saturday, July 14, 2007

looky lou's

Well it was garage sale day and it was perfect weather for it. It got hot at 1 o'clock, but it was manageable. I sold nearly everything I wanted to - the only thing that is left is the king size head board and I figured I'd end up with that for a while yet. The guy who bought the bed just didn't want it... I should have made it non-negotiable... I sold Michael's crib and they woman who bought it rejected the mattress outright... I was in a giving mood and I didn't want to take it all back in the house - the mattress is terrible... but - well I guess I will just get rid of it myself.. my garage is actually looking like a garage now - awesome.

I got way too much sun - I'm pretty pink - I did manage to drink a lot all day so I don't think I will have heat stroke or anything like that tonight... I hope... I do have a knawing headache though - heat related I'm sure.

My brother brought two loads in his element for the garage sale and he went home with one of those larger trunk size rubber maids - so he did really well... they are moving to Port Hardy in a month and they've got an excellent head start on packing now that they offloaded all that stuff.

So since people must comment about me after I leave a garage sale here are my comments about some of the looky lou's that we had to do...

1) If it says sold on it - it's sold
2) If it is more than $5 it works - why would I sell something that didn't work
3) If I'm sitting in one spot and the table stops 5 ft in front of me - the stuff behind me is not for sale... it is behind me for a reason
4) If I put $20 on something I will negotiate - I will not be taken up the you-know-where for $5... I did pay for it at one time and that's just insulting...
5) 1+5+3 does not equal $4
6) No my children are not for sale
7) Yes - it is plenty hot enough for me and thank you for commenting on my pink skin - I don't think I've ever heard that before
8) Asking more than three questions about something is like saying you want to buy it - don't leave me hanging
9) Just because you've seen me in passing doesn't mean we are best friends and that I should give you everything I own
10) If the sign says 9am - arriving at 7:50 is not going to make me happy... and when you ask - is this all and I'm still pricing stuff I am allowed to give you the finger

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