Monday, February 02, 2009


Well happy groundhog day. The groundhog didn't need to get out of his cave this morning - we got a foot of snow yesterday so I was pretty sure we are going to be in winter mode for another six weeks... and six weeks would be lucky.

The snow is lovely though - I won't complain about it.

Health - well I'm trying to stay positive. I've got another dr's appointment tomorrow and I'm pretty certain that all of this is revolving around stress, but my stomach is so awful now that it looks like I'm going to need some ultrasound or a gastroscope stuff done to get to the bottom of it.

Thoughts - I've been thinking a lot about my dear friend Carmen. I hope everyone reading this sends some positive vibes out into the universe. They can be general thoughts that are directed to Carmen in Calgary and lets also put positive thoughts out there for everyone we know suffering with cancer and think about cancer being a word that our children and grandchildren will ask - what was that?

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