Saturday, January 20, 2007

canker sore be gone...

Thank you for the ideas on getting Kyle to eat veggies! I will definitely try using the big kid at school name and seeing if he decides he can eat it. Andy does have issues with some veggies, but not to the extent that Kyle has gone. He can sense a microscopic piece of green on anything. I've seen him look at something and decide - no green and then his tongue gets a hold of it and nope... it senses out the green.

I eat a lot of veggies so I thought that Kyle would naturally like them. Michael is pretty good with veggies - some nights he even ignores the rest and just picks out veg. Kids...

Jen - you being the teacher around these parts - I'm hoping you can help or suggest some reading on this - there is a child in Kyle's pre-school who has special needs. It isn't something obvious, but he tends to lash out at others (hitting, scratching, biting, etc) and he has an assistant with him most of his day. Kyle has decided he is a bad kid and I don't want him thinking that about anyone who is different. I've explained that the other boy is special and reinforce that he should try to be friends with him. Kyle got a pretty nasty scratch on his chest from him and, well since then he hasn't really talked about him. I know he is busy with other kids and girls.. (LORD) but I would like to read with him about these issues or discussing them with him. Any suggestions? Everyone can join in on this - I just thought Jen might have a resource with her school connections.

Well I'm going to scrap right now and watch a movie. I hope everyone has a great rest of their weekend... we took the boys on their sleds around the neighbourhood today - it was the most beautiful day we've had in a while. I hope to do something equally pleasing tomorrow. :)

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