Thursday, January 07, 2010

eat pray love

I finished Eat Pray Love last night and I highly recommend people read it. It was definitely worth the read. I think it was the perfect thing to read for me right now. There was a section in the book that dragged for me and I stopped reading it for a while but then I knew I wanted to know how it ended and it was definitely worth it. (Link to Chapters is noted - click on the book title - they've got it for $10 - definitely worth it - I'm sharing it around the office right now.)

Michael is back to normal (pretty much) and the guys get to go on a date tomorrow night with their aunty. Bowling and birthday present picking... what fun... so what will I do? Excellent question... excellent... I don't really know... it may include coolers and a drum kit...

On the stupid front... well my beautiful Aunti Jenni will get a laugh out of this. When we completed the half marathon this summer I'd told her that I run kind of funny and when I say kind of I actually mean I do run funny. Not like Febe, but I tend to run to my left and then my right - so I weave while I run. Tonight I was singing along to Nickelback and was just slowing down from my run when I started going left. Now I managed to recover and didn't actually hit my head, but I definitely tweaked my back and calf... stupid... stupid... I've run and biked in a weave my whole life. I remember when I was a kid my parents trying (desperately) to correct my biking weave, but there was no helping it... nothing made me go straight. I've straightened out over the years, but running I totally weave... so there you go - another story for the stupid pages in April's life :)

All my love to you - hugs and kisses - and please send some muscle relaxants and love in my direction :) Sweet dreams!

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