Saturday, November 07, 2009

stupid nonsense of someone who hasn't gotten enough sleep

I'm tired - T I R E D!

I went in to PG to look around after my flight for 45 minutes... getting more tired by the second.... but I've been tired for a few days - so what the hell. And then I'm thinking - gees - driving home is going to suck... so I stop to get a drink. Guess what I got... a very special treat... a grande peppermint mocha - my favorite hot drink... that's right COFFEE... I haven't had coffee in months - literally months... but man did it taste good - oh man - I was just living it up.. and then about 35 km outside of PG the coffee kicks in and relays a message to the part of my brain that is working...

COFFEE "Hey, Brain..."
BRAIN "Um... yes... hold on one sec, April needs to finish singing this song, then we can talk..."
COFFEE "Um... I don't know if this can wait, can you tell her to hurry up?"
BRAIN "What... what could be more important than singing super loud in the car?"
COFFEE "Well - you know - I'm great - I'm the most fabulous coffee in the whole world, right?"
BRAIN "Yes, coffee... she loves you.. she worships you... did you need an ego rub tonight or what?"
COFFEE "No, smart ass, I don't need an ego rub, do you know what else was in that yummy fantastic coffee tonight?"

A long pause...

And I blurt out... crap, there is chocolate in my coffee.... my first morsel of chocolate in 10 weeks...

So then I'm nervous... nervous that my guts are going to implode and I'm going to really regret this fantastic yummy coffee.... oh how I love thee, wonderful, fantastic, amazing, coffee....

I managed to get home ok - now I have the feeling that both coffee and chocolate may not have been the wisest decision, but what the hell... I'm living once...

Alright - and now I will post the photos...

1 comment:

M said...

Your so crazy! haha And yes thats way I love you so much!

My crazy wonderful sister! I miss you tones and I want to have a tea with you, but maybe slip you some coffee just so I can see that. HAhaha

Love you