Monday, October 26, 2009

magic monday

Yes - the title is sarcasm...

Today was a long day. First we kept the guys home today and I'm kind of debating what will happen tomorrow. Michael is doing really good - no more throwing up - no more anything really - today was just a day to hang out. Kyle has a throat and ear infection and now has antibiotics to take. Doctor said he could go back though... of course I can feel a cold creeping in - ever so quietly... I've been taking cold fx, but I gotta say that now I've been on it five days in a row it is causing my stomach to hurt. It gives me indigestion and doesn't sit well. If I eat that seems to clear things up - so I've been trying to remember to eat when I'm taking it.

So on top of the crazy illnesses I had a pile of work to do today. I did manage to get it all done, but I only finished working on it about 30 minutes ago. Then after sending in the work I found out that there are errors in the system and nothing is sending and on and on and ANGER CREEPING in... TAKING OVER FROM COLD..... I feel like I could turn into the hulk at any freakin' second.

Grammar police
Apparently the grammar police have been around and I want to send me sincere apologies to everyone for not using the correct there, their, or they're... I will try to make use of my enhanced grammar skills for future posts.

And that is it for tonight - I'm defeated and need to take a break. Good night my friends - good night and sweet dreams.

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