Monday, March 08, 2010

it gets better... ha

Alright - so I post the previous post and then I'm talking to Kyle and then he says the note is here.... and here you go... I'm sharing...

"I em sore kyle for poking you in the back with my pesnol I hop you or ok. I thik it hrs a lot to get pokt by a pesnol on the back :( from the jerk that poked you in the back" (alright so I added the last part... but that is the freakin' apology note...)

So here is what I'm going to do - tonight I am going to write out multiple notes of apology and then commit random acts of hurt and then give a note immediately following - I'm sure that I will be fine because apparently that is enough...

I know - I know - what the hell can I do about this... issues - well 1) what was the teacher doing that this scene got out of control 2) what was kyle doing - why did he think it was ok to be in a sword fight with pencils while he should have been paying attention in class and 3) kyle says that he asked for a timeout from the kid because he wanted to get back to work - so a cease fire was issued and then once kyle got back to work the kid stabbed him in the back - so is the other kid a) stupid b) malicious c) stupid

ah.... see they skip all of this in the parenting books - they talk about the joy of sex, the joy of being pregnant (ha), the joy of seeing your wee little baby and holding them and ... oops we forgot the section on a kid stabbing your kid in the back...

1 comment:

The Jaded Bee said...

That doesn't seem out of line with the way they do things now. The "big scary guy" in the administrative office to scare kids into behaving doesn't exist anymore. Not even to back up teachers will they pull the power card. It sucks. Wimpy little notes is probably all you can expect to get. It is considered to be the student taking responsibility by verbalizing what they did and how they think that it has affected the other person. By doing that, they truly become sorry for the action, don't you know?

Yeah. I remember my friend having to write apology letters to the staff when she brought homemade wine in a thermos to our grade 5 pizza party. I don't think it made her sorry. :)