Monday, December 21, 2009

the tooth fairy

I've been bugging Kyle about his newest wiggly tooth - it was definitely dead and gross and since he pulled the first one out I've been asking him to get on with the second one. Last night at dinner I bugged him because he was having pain when he ate and then (shockingly) he pulled it out.

He wanted to trap the toothfairy and asked me to put some special food for fairies in the bag with the tooth. Then he could show his own personal fairy to everyone in the morning, the following happened:

"Mom, you won't believe it."
I'm thinking... You got another couple of bucks for a tooth - awesome
I say "What, babe..."
"Mom,...." disgruntled voice...
"Mom, she ate the whole bag."

This stops me in my tracks.
"What do you mean she ate the bag?"
"Mom, the bag isn't there, so she must have eaten the whole thing."
That's right friends - Kyle's toothfairy doesn't keep teeth somewhere... she eats them.

So I try not to laugh.

"Why don't you take a second look?"
"Mom, it isn't there. She ate it. I checked."

Fast forward to tonight....
"Mom, the bag is here - I guess she didn't eat it after all. Can you put the money in my piggy bank?"

Ah, small joys.

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