Wednesday, December 30, 2009

rock band

Well I can't believe it - but I love rock band and guitar hero. I'm struggling with the guitar but I'm way better than when I started and I love playing the drums! LOVE IT! I got bored of the beginner songs in the beatles early on and am now working on the challenging songs - what a great, amazing, fantastic invention! Problems... well between this and the wii fit I don't think I'll be doing anything else with my evenings... oh well.... :)

Yes - it is a video game and I can't believe I'm on here gabbing about it. I'm such a nerd!

Have others been doing this for ages - am at the end of a trend? If you are amazing at it - share your tips... :)

Ok - I need to calm down...

And a final point - yes, swinging your hips and tapping your feet does help... it does... seriously!

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