Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Well friends today I had an experience that tops my "special" performance for many years.

Now you'll see three arrows pointing to what are pretty deep lines on my face. No, I didn't fall down - that would have been better, no, they are not wrinkles... The lines on my face are more than an hour old... so I had an appointment this afternoon with a "specialist" and apparently I just went to sleep - and went to sleep hard - my face was pressed against a zipper line - my eye was actually where the zipper opener was - so when I finally woke up I could hardly open my eye.

What is really funny is that I woke up laughing and just thought it was pretty funny that I'd crash like that. I mean I was in a tired state, but I've never done that before. My "specialist" just laughed too - she said it was pretty funny that I crashed out like that. And there you have it, another adventure in the life of April :)

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