Saturday, August 15, 2009

star date 20090815

My retarded neighbours have decided to shout outside... asses.

Today was pretty uneventful... we did manage to get Kyle a fish - we had to let his new tank stabilize as the first round of fish didn't last long.. so we now have a beta - (fighting fish) a beautiful red one - Kyle has named it "Long Tail". Maybe today was too much though as he has gotten up and pulled his fantastic sleep walking.. I hate that - I hate sleep walking... because he is definitely in another place - he was actually singing a bit tonight... CREEPY!

Ok - stupid neighbours - I give you permission to go in your house and F-OFF!

We did go to Farmers Market this morning and I got some fancy beets... which I cooked and then wasn't hungry enough to eat.. but they will be great with salad tomorrow. I also got 10 lbs of pickles for bread and butter pickles... mmmm.... also picked up potatoes and beans.. woo hoo - we followed up our trip to the market with a visit to the bakery where the boys picked out a cookie and a custard filled long john - the long johns are an old fav for me but I can't eat them anymore as they make my stomach hurt... boooooo.... I did manage to eat some cookie though :)

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