Ok but wait, before I share I thought I would give one photo from my "trip".
Now this looks like the sky.. yes - it definitely looks like the sky, but I want you to look really hard at it and see if you can't see something... I'll give you a second...
Ok - so you are right - it really is only the sky... this was me taking a photo of a bridge (um.... so maybe I was driving - I mean.. no I wasn't - at least I didn't try to look through the view finder while driving - this was just me snapping to the left while still looking at the road.... ok - I'm terrible - and I'm going to hell... but seriously - most of the people reading this are coming with me... you know who you are) There is a beautiful train bridge just outside of McLeese Lake that I couldn't pull over and take a photo of because some unpleasant stupid person was trying to see if the front of their vehicle would fit into the back of mine.
Ok and now for the scrapbooking...
I'm going to put this up in my office - and hopefully frame it with my medal - yes a real bronze medal... special point number three hundred and twenty one... and now twitchy eye is bugging me and I should really go and read something to put me to sleep... nighty night :)
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