Saturday, December 17, 2011

Best snow day EVER

The kids left for Vancouver this morning - so that was sad.

I decided to hit the gym this morning and get in a 5km run - and I was reminded how important it is to go regularly - I was sucking - I walked about 10 of the 50 minutes I was running - which was shocking because I can usually run that - and run it WAY faster... in any case - lesson learned - I need to keep at it and get back into shape... sigh...

So 5km down what next - well I went and read the paper with some fruit and then thought - well now what... I drove home and thought - wouldn't it be great when the kids come home that there is a cool snow fort... right - snow fort...

What started as a little fort... well... have a look...

Here's the thing - I didn't want to shovel the driveway.  Not at all - the snow is heavy and I just wasn't into  it.  And then the idea of the snow fort came and it gave me a way to solve my driveway problem.  So I used the snow from the drive way to build the fort.  


Sadly - it pissed rain all afternoon - this took about three hours and the last hour was in the rain, but then it really started raining.  The igloo is still standing (now) - hoping that it will cool off a bit and then the igloo will stay put... I totally wanted to build another fort but my arms were saying NO - that's enough for today.  

At the half way mark I should have changed clothes - might have avoided getting frost bite.  I had frost bite on my legs and tummy... and my neck.  And now I'm going to bake some more cookies... and do some chores... 

I hope you are having a great weekend.


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